Saturday, June 29, 2024


 What I've Been Reading

Edenglassie by Melissa Lucashenko

Edenglassie is the latest by Lucashenko and like her previous book, Too Much Lip, there are dueling narratives from times past and times present.

Set in Brisbane, it begins in the present with Granny, in her late 90s, taking a fall in the gardens by the river. Worried, people will think she was drunk or drugged, she is helped up and an ambulance sent for.

I particularly enjoyed Granny's story, she was a funny and quite the character, and wanted more. I felt the characters here could have been fleshed out more. I wanted more Granny!

The older storyline had more detail and was compelling with tension building. You just knew something was going to get in the way of the young lovers the story worked around.

I really liked how most of the characters didn't quite see eye to eye, it was a very realistic addition to the story. The humour was dealt out well, balancing the more dramatic and horrendous plots. And as always, I love her use of indigenous language, and the theme of how the past reflects the future.

Finally, I could see that final scene on the boat in my mind's eye, brilliant!

Orwell's Roses by Rebecca Solnit

This makes the perfect companion piece to Anna Funder's Wifedom, which I am also reading but had not yet finished when I finished this.

Rebecca Solnit is a wonderful essayist and feminist. She originated the Mansplain word. She always loved Orwell's essays, and felt he was the master of them and used them to hone her craft.

This is essentially a book of interconnected essays, coming from Rebecca finding a rose garden planted by Orwell that she had read about. She was surprised to find it was still blossoming and was thrilled to touch something he had touched and planted.

The book is about Orwell and how he come to plant the roses, and some information about his life at the time and also before and after, but this is not really a biography. She also delves into all things roses, in terms of history. it is a fascinating mix that sounds odd but she really makes it work. I guess this is not for everyone, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart by Holly Ringland

This has been quite popular, and I usually steer away from popular books. But it came through on spoken word and my curiosity got the better of me. 

It is the (fictional) story of Alice, who is placed in the care of her grandmother after a tragic start to spoilers. Her grandmother is a tough old broad, who runs a large flower farm and takes in lost souls. After an incident (again no spoilers) Alice leaves the farm and goes on the road and ends up in the outback.

The book is a family saga that has 4 parts to it. Alice's childhood, her time on her grandmother's farm, then the outback, and the conclusion. The characters are rich and layered and endlessly fascinating. The landscapes are described so beautifully you can visualise it all in your mind's eye. It is dramatic and funny. Wonderful for a debut novel that is loosely autobiographical. It has been made into a mini-series with Sigournay Weaver as the grandmother. 

The House That Joy Built by Holly Ringland

I also listened to this on spoken word, this time read by the author herself. It is about working on your creativity and it was a great listen. She intersperses personal stories within how she creates and overcoming some serious life blocks. I got loads of ideas and felt it opened my mind quite a bit. Mind you, I do not have the privilege of time, so I have jotted a lot of notes and ideas down, I will get to them at some point.

Animal Farm by George Orwell

I've been getting into some Orwell after reading Orwell's Roses. I have read and loved his essays, but never his novels. Animal Farm seemed a good place to start. I do know this story, and I've seen it as a play, but never actually read it. It was a wonderful wry story. The themes make a lot of sense when you know more about his life. Whilst the story of leadership gone mad was told in a whimsical way, it still packed a punch. Orwell knew war, and madness and poor leadership, but he also knew farm animals from keeping many himself. I really enjoyed how clever this was.

Every Man For Himself and God Against All: a memoir by Werner Herzog

This was a ripper of a read. I am a huge fan of Werner Herzog, but after reading this I realise I have not even tipped the edge of his amazing output. I knew he was bold and a bit bonkers, and this book validated my thoughts but in the best possible way. He is - as expected - an honest and great writer of his life. He gives you immense detail but in the best possible way.

He tells many stories of his childhood and young adulthood that shows he was a risk taker very early on, and that he understood the complexities of life and could turn these experiences into storytelling. He and his brother spent a lot of time wandering the countryside where they were brought up, including dense woods and alps. They were competitive and pushed each other to the edge of everything they did, psychologically and physically. They injured themselves and each other constantly, both in and out of hospital. You can see with man he would become within this feisty and fearless young boy. 

I came for the movie stories - which were utterly wonderful and crazy and funny and scary - but loved the before film stories. It was like seeing a character - because Herzog has become some kind of complex character - being built slowly... or actually, not slowly at all, he was a force of nature from the very beginning.

He told many stories of his family and his wives, all with good grace but honesty. He admits to being difficult, but it goes with the territory of being Werner Herzog. There were loads of amazing tales of finding or writing stories he would film. A he shoot films and documentaries, and sometimes a hybrid of both, there was a lot about his research, some stories are worked on or thought about for many years. He also spoke about his filming, especially some of his more troubling or challenging shoots. 

This is one memoir where everything you have heard is true and possibly even more than you have heard. He has tales of working with actors and the actual people some of his films or docos were based on. He goes into great detail about his friendships, especially those with Bruce Chatwin, and Reinhold Messner. 

Then there are the tales of physicality, also expected if you know his films even slightly. I cannot remember how many times he has come close to death by placing himself into crazy situations or just pushing his body too far, but there were a lot. This man knows adventure, he lives it, writes about it, and films it. The memoir features all of this and more. One of the best I have read. 

Con/Artist: the life and crimes of the world's greatest art forger by Tony Tetro and Giampiero Ambrosi

This was a ripper of a read, the autobiography of an art forger. A talented painter, Tony originally started doing replicas of paintings and signed his own name, these are the cheap prints you can get reasonably priced. People know they are not originals but that is ok. But his style was so good he soon realised he could really forge painters and sign with their name and people bought it. He is most famous behind the collection the then Prince Charles brought and insured for 200 million, only to be found out they were Tony's work. 

He starts to make a lot of money, which is puts into drugs and cars. He spends time in Europe studying great art, and goes to Asia to work with great professional re-producers (these people are doing it above board). This helps build his talent to something quite significant. Tony is a cheeky and gregarious narrator, and he gives huge insight into the crazy and deadly that is the art world. I love this kind of thing, it was a great read.

The Fire of Joy: roughly eighty poems to get by heart and say aloud by Clive James

This was pure joy, a selection of beloved poems from Clive James with little essays he wrote about each poem and the poet. Just perfection.

Pat in the City by Patricia Field

This was a fun escapist autobiography by Pat Field. We know Pat best as the costume designer behind Sex and the City. It goes into her early life, how she got into design, her sexuality, and everything else in between. It details all the behind scenes for the show. Loads of fun.

Audrey Hepburn in Paris by Meghan Friedlander

This was a lovely larger coffee table style book set in chapters of her life and linked to Paris. With an introduction by her don, Luca Dotti, there is a lot of information and some lovely photos.

Welcome to Consent/Sex/Boobs/Period by Yumi Stynes and Dr. Melissa Kang

After seeing Yumi and Melissa at Newcastle Writer's Festival, I sought out the books they had written. I have always loved Yumi's honesty and brazenness. And of course read and re-read Dolly Doctor a lot in my younger years. Dr Melissa Kang IS Dolly Doctor. Their styles differ but complement each other in real life, and the books follow this up. They are written for younger females but also males - to read themselves or with their parent. They are well presented, real, and easy to understand, with cute and humourous illustrations. They have been controversial, but I fail to understand why, except some humans on this earth are tragically stupid and just will never get 'it'. Definitely worth a look, especially if you have teenagers.

The Devil's Playground by Christos Tsiolkas.

This was a great little book with Christos writing about his love of film, specifically the Australian classic by Fred Schepisi, The Devil's Playground. His mother loved film and started taking him to see films from a very young age. More often than not with subject matter and rating much old than his age. The book recounts his multiple viewings of the film over the years. It shows that whilst he still loved the film, the viewings at different ages of his life brought him different and changed thoughts. He wrote about films that helped steer his life, thoughts, and his sexuality. It is a deeply personal book and utterly fascinating.

Christos Tsiolkas on Patrick White

This was another little book with Christos writing about Patrick White. It contains a potted history, and musings on his books, read at various times of his life. He draws from White a lot in his own writings, and explains how and why. I have never been interested in reading Patrick White, but after reading this, I am tempted.

The Last of Her Kind by Sigrid Nunez

I have been reading all the Sigrid Nunez I can get my hands on. I love her writing, and with each novel such differing subject matter with a semi-autobiographical undertone. She is in her 70s and still writing, so I am reading them in order to see the evolution of her writing. But it is subtle.

The Last of her Kind is about two young women who meet by sharing a room together at College. It is set in the late 60s, Woodstock is around the corner, activism rising. A time to be young in the US. George is the narrator, coming from an ethnic and poor family, and Ann is her wealthy, white upper class-room mate. George is equal parts annoyed by and drawn to Ann, who wants to align herself with non-white or poorer people and distance herself from the privilege she comes from. They become friends, despite George's discomfort, and this takes them on quite the adventure. 

Ann is a force of nature, but not necessarily in a good way, and this gets her into the most bizarre situations. George plods along, trying to keep her family together, and seems to be more a bystander of history. The story is about class, and wealth and poverty, and race. It moves through decades of these characters, and makes you think. Every time you have worked out what is going on and how you feel about the story and characters, something happens to make you question everything you have thought. I really loved this book.

Salvation City by Sigrid Nunez

Next novel by Sigrid Nunez is quite remarkable, it is about a young teen boy making his way through a pandemic. After the death of his parents, Cole is living with the local pastor and his young wife in a place called Salvation City. He reflects back to what led him to this point and what he can remember from his life. The small town is fairly remote and more interested in preparing for the supposed 'rapture' that is coming than the possibility of the pandemic sweeping through. And whilst he was raised without religion, he comes to fit in with the town and his carers. But things happen to uproot this seemingly quiet life.

Given this was published in 2010, it is very eerie in its descriptions similar to what we experienced in 2020 etc. Sigrid narrows down the pain, suffering, and general public reactions note perfect. But it is much more than a pandemic novel, it is a coming-of-age novel, and she writes Cole's story so well. It feels very much as a young male teen would narrate such a time. The character is layered and layered so beautifully and the descriptions of life going on around him quite visual. I am really enjoying her writing and cannot wait to read the next one.

The Soul of Woman by Isabel Allende

This was a lovely little memoir about Allende's life as a feminist. She believes she was a feminist in Kindergarten, and reading this I believe her. Watching her mother bring up her and her siblings after their father left, cemented feminism within. She writes about being a feminist during the second wave of feminism in the 60s, her many marriages and how she feels today. She has a lot of faith in young modern women but realises we all have a long way to go. She writes about activism and feminist role models, famous and not so famous. It is a small book, but a powerful and important one.

The Complete Collected Series of Blackadder

I listened to this in the car over a few weeks. It is essentially the audio of the shows with some interviews about the making of it towards the end. Having watched the show/s as much as I have it was easy to visualise the action behind the audio. And it was so much joy! I think Rowan Atkinson is probably more well-known for Mr Bean, but I believe Blackadder is his masterpieces. Actually, it is everyone's masterpiece, and it holds up beautifully.

Tony Robinson's Baldrick is obviously a stand-out, but I don't think Stephen Fry has done anything as good at Melchett. And I have always adored Miranda Richardson's Queenie. Rik Mayall's Flash steals every scene he is in...Woof! But everyone is outstanding, so many great actors in small roles. I've always said series 2 is my favourite, but after listening to it, I am really loving Blackadder Goes Forth right. That final scene, it still makes me tear up and listening to them discuss it did have me in tears. The behind the scenes/making of commentary is exceptional also. What joy!

What I've Been Watching

Poor Things

I cannot begin to express my love for this film! What a remarkably original take on the Frankenstein's monster trope. Emma Stone is simply astonishing in it. Her supporting cast, especially Mark Ruffalo and Willem Dafoe, are also amazing.

This tale is about the rebirth of a woman in the most pure way, and Emma Stone was utterly fearless in embodying her character, Bella. Everything about her character is unlike anything I have seen on film. It is a very funny film in many ways, slapstick, bawdy, genuinely funny, and dark humour.

The sets were so divine, I declared early on, I wanted to live there. The mad animal creations, the horse carriage, and other similar things, blew my mind. I love films with whole worlds created in them, and this was one. 

But I guess this film is not for everyone, this is usually the case for films by Yorgos Lanthimos. I imagine it would be quite confronting for some for many reasons. The medical/surgery aspects, sexuality, language, and so on. But the film wouldn't be as wonderful without those aspects.

This is a dramatic film that makes you laugh...a lot. I am unsure how it will go at The Oscars. I feel it should win production, hair and make-up, costume, script. And Emma Stone should win Best Actress but I think Lily Gladstone will tip her at the post, it will be close. This is easily my favourite film of all the contenders.

The New Boy

Written and directed by Warwick Thornton, The New Boy is an astonishing film and you can see why it has won so many awards. It is about a young orphaned aboriginal boy who lands at an outback monastery late one night. It is the 1940s and most men are at war, the monastery is run by a modern nun, Sister Eileen (played with perfection by Cate Blanchett) and has an aboriginal nun (Deborah Mailman) and aboriginal assistant (Wayne Blair) helping her. The new boy does not initially fit in or get along with the other young boys at the monastery, but after some time he does. But there is something very different, very mystical about him and strange things start to happen. He seems to be able to heal sick people and animals via balls of fire/light he can conjure. 

Over time he becomes infatuated with Christianity and whilst initially mesmerised, Sister Eileen becomes quite concerned and unsure how to keep him in check. A lot more happens but that would spoil such a wonderful story. I went in knowing little about this film and was absolutely taken by its brilliance. Beautifully filmed by Thornton, he is a remarkable cinematographer with captivating performances, especially by newcomer, Aswan Reid, as the New Boy himself. I loved this film.

The Zone of Interest

This was the final Oscar film and one I missed out on prior to the event. It is the most remarkable film, I thought it was excellent and yet incredibly disturbing. It is a film that really stays with you. It is based on a true story about a family of a SS Commandant who reside right next to a camp in WWII. The home is a beautiful deco building, with a lovely garden and pool and his family of 5 children. They live an iddylic the expense of what is happening over their walls. But the 'beauty' of this film is you never see over the walls. Only glimpse of smoke from the 'factories' and the sounds from over the wall. 

The sounds...oh my goodness, this brings an already remarkable film into a whole other realm. It won a sound Oscar and you can see/hear why. The eerie sounds have you thinking about what they may represent, and you know it is only pure evil. This was filmed in the most unusual way and presents this story in a disjointed, uncomfortable view. Just watching the family have picnics by the river, playing with their dog and see smoke stacks and hearing those noises, gives you chills. 

There is so much more to this movie, but I won't spoil it any more than I already have. This is not an easy watch but it is an important watch. This film stayed with me very closely for weeks after and even now, sends shivers up my spine.


With Dune II coming up, it was time for a re-watch of Dune. I enjoyed it as much as the first time. It has such a tremendous cast, with each actor really taking on each iconic role perfectly, most especially Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya. This first film is a lot of set up, but has some great action sequences and plot driven events. Stellan Skarsgard and Dave Bautista are almost unrecognisable as the villians. And Javier Bardem, Jason Momoa, and Josh Brolin are wonderful are our heroes. I loved seeing the great Charlotte Rampling in an ambiguous role, she was fierce!

But it is the world of Dune and Denis Villeneuve's vision that make this film remarkable. The effects and the bringing to life some of the more challenging aspects of the book are inspiring. The world is vast and detailed, and nothing has been spared to bring it to the big screen. This is an impressive film, that must be seen on a big screen.

May December

I went into this thinking it was a Lesbian long story between Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman. I have no idea why, I just did. Disappointing. It was a take on the Mary Kay Letourneau story, the teacher who got pregnant to her under aged student and they are still together. They mix things up and have the boy be the friend of her own child who works in the pet store her husband owns. Julianne Moore is great as the obviously mentally ill, Gracie. Natalie Portman is chilling as an actress who is about to play Gracie in an indie film and is shadowing her to get into character. 

This film was very well written and acted, leaving you feel very unsettled watching it. It is only up for a screenplay. It will not win anything.

The Color Purple

I was dubious about this remake as a musical but it really worked. The soundtrack is fantastic, mostly spiritual music and they were great songs. The musical numbers were very uplifting and well choreographed. The acting was powerful, Fantasia Barrino as Celie, Danielle Brooks as Sofia, and Taraji P. Henson as Shrug were amazing. There is not much else to say, but it was enjoyable despite the subject matter. I haven't seen the original in a long time so I cannot really compare.


I finally caught up with Tar, and Cate Blanchett was remarkable in this one. I did find the film and her character quite annoying, but that was the whole point of the film I guess. Cate plays Lydia Tar, an unconventional conductor. She is currently the main conductor with an orchestra in Berlin. Lydia has a lot going on, working in New York lecturing at Julliard, and back in Berlin with the orchestra. She is also interviewing for new spots in the orchestra. Whilst juggling all of this her past comes back to haunt her with allegations of bullying and disrespect. Tar's life begins to unravel, along with her stitched-up demeanor. This is an extraordinary performance, with Cate seemingly conducting the orchestra, no mean feat. The music was also wonderful. I don't think this film is for everyone, but I did appreciate it.

The Son

This was a bit of a melodrama starring Hugh Jackson. After leaving his wife and son, Hugh's character is in a new relationship with a young wife and baby. One night his ex-wife (Laura Dern) turns up on his doorstep upset about their son who hasn't attended school for a month. He decides to take the son in for a period to try and straighten him out. The son is deeply troubled and lots of bad things start to happen. Anthony Hopkins also features as Hugh's father. Hugh is very good in this, but I found it a little too melodramatic. 

Don't Worry Darling

I watched this out of curiosity and because I love Florence Pugh (and Harry Styles), and without her it would have been very ordinary. It was a sort of retelling of The Stepford Wives and is as flat as the wives themselves. The last 20 mins were great though.

You Hurt My Feelings

This was a little indie film with Julie Louis-Dreyfus as a writer about to finish a book. She has been working on it for a while and testing it by letting her husband read parts and he has been encouraging her. On a day shopping with her sister, they see and overhear her husband talking to a friend and saying how much he hates the latest book. He doesn't realise, she is broken and the film then delves into the semantics of a relationship. This was ok, I expected better.

Official Competition

This was really bonkers, but in the best possible way. An ageing billionaire wants a legacy and decides to bankroll a film, asking the best to pull it together. Penelope Cruz is phenomenal as a reclusive and crazy director who puts her actors through the mill in the most bizarre way. Antonio Banderas and Oscar Martinez play the brothers in the film, and both have very different ways of acting, which irritate the other. When art starts to imitate life, things get really crazy.

The Nowhere Inn
Initially I thought this was a documentary about St Vincent and her music, and directed by Carrie Brownstein. Carrie features throughout as herself, but early on the film turns in a weird (but good) way that made me realise they were both playing fictionalised versions of themselves. It was about Identity and the difference between the stage persona and real life but hyper intensified. Once I realised what was going on I really enjoyed it. I guess not for everyone though.

Curb Your Enthusiasm final season

Oh my, Larry turns it on for the final season of this hilarious and long running show. Initially I felt it had lost its mojo, but after a few episodes it found its feet. As always there are multiple storylines but the main one is Larry handing someone he knows a bottle of water while lining up to vote in Florida, unknowingly breaking a rule that you cannot do that. This is actually a real law!?! He is taken to court by the state, and rather than saying he had no idea and it was a mistake, he says he meant to do it, unintentionally making him a hero throughout the country. This leads to a hilarious storyline of Bruce Springsteen becoming enamoured of Larry, and if you know anything about Curb, nothing good will come of this. 

There was a huge amount of guest stars. Sean Hayes plays Larry's lawyer, who is married to Dan Levy. Lori Loughlin (yes!) has a great storyline, that had me in stitches. Steve Buscemi, Conan O'Brien, Matt Berry, Dean Norris, Allison Janney, and Jerry Seinfeld are some of the stars playing themselves or other characters. It is the little things I love about Curb, the long tail to a short but satisfying laugh.

I will miss this show, as it was one of the truly funny shows on tele. The supporting cast are tremendous. Richard Lewis had a few spots prior to his death, you can see how terribly ill he is but funny as ever. Susie Essman is my favourite, she is so very good and steals every scene, with her ferocious performances and her crazy clothing. And Ted Danson is always solid, bringing a bit of gravitas to the hilarity. I will not talk about the ending, cause spoilers, but it was pretty, pretty, pretty good!

Apples Never Fall

Based on a Liane Moriarty novel (I am so not a fan) I was sucked into this mini series because Sam Neill and Annette Benning. And they were great. Husband and wife with 4 adult children, they run a tennis centre but have recently retired and then the wife (Benning) goes missing. Everyone suspects the Dad (Neill) but the kids wonder about this girl who struck up a friendship with their mother months earlier. Each episode is told by someone else's pov. Neill was great and ambiguous and the whole thing kept you guessing. But ultimately the ending was a little ordinary.

The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin

Noel Fielding stars as the hero, Dick Turpin, in this historical romp. Hilarious and fun, with loads of great cameos. Dick decides to move from his life as a butcher (his father was a butcher) for the fame of being a highwayman. He pulls a gang together but they are not really great at being highwaymen. Fielding is charismatic as always, and is obviously having the time of his life playing Dick. Total must see, especially if you like laugh out loud comedy!

Only Murders in the Building S3

S3 started a little slow and tedious and we were worried it may have jumped the shark, but it started to pick up and sucked us back in! The trio of stars are indeed stars and have such great chemistry you often feel like you are eavesdropping. Meryl was a great addition, although initially I was not so sure. The Paud Rudd murder (no spoilers, this happens from the get go) was interesting once he really was dead, the back and forth initially was what made it tedious. Matthew Broderick as himself was hilarious! There was so much going on in S3, it will be interesting to see where S4 will go. 

Feud: Capote Vs The Swans

This was so much fun...initially, and then it started to drag. It should have had less episodes and been edited better. It was the most fun when multiple 'swans' were on the screen together. The swans being socialites that initially hung out with Truman Capote in the 60s culminating with his infamous black and white ball. But Truman being Truman starts to use their lives in his writing and soon finds out that does not go well with the ladies and fights commence. It also delves into Capote's love life and his addictions. Tom Holland is spectacular as Capote and Naomi Watts, Diane Lane, Chloe Sevigny, Calista Flockhart, Demi Moore, and Molly Ringwald as the swans were magnificent!

Our Flag Means Death S2

This season was really disappointing, the clever and laughs that built so beautifully in S1 were not missing, but not there enough. Keeping Taika Waititi and Rhys Darby's characters apart for most of the season was a bad move. Their chemistry was what made the show. 


This was pure joy, focusing on Michael and Ridgeley, their beautiful friendship, and the short period of time they were Wham! Loads of footage and interviews with people who knew them well. There is a poignant interview with George's father. I didn't realise there was so much animosity against Ridgeley when it looked like George was going to go solo! That was quite upsetting to watch, and the fact he weathered it all with such grace and good humour is a testament to him as a person and as George's friend. Whilst this made me smile from beginning to end, there was a little melancholy there, knowing the outcome of George's life. This is a must see music doco.

20 Feet from Stardom

This is a rewatch as Andrew had never seen it. About all the backing vocalist for bands from 50s through to the 70s, some phenomenal women including the remarkable Darlene Love who sung on most of Phil Spector songs for "The Crystals' and many others. Also Merry Clayton who sang that stunning section on Gimme Shelter for The Stones. It is a great doco and wonderful to see so many wonderful women getting their dues and hearing the musicians they worked with talk them up.

Bottom: exposed

This was a great doco, funny and bittersweet. Obviously, the gaping hole of Rik Mayall was exposed through the entire thing. All the players, from supporting cast, writers and behind the scenes and of course Adrian Edmondson were interviewed. There was load of footage of Rik and Ade doing their thing and going to the very edge with physical gags and stunts. It was a load of fun, but broke my heart that Rik was no longer around. Everyone who was interviewed felt similarly, especially Adrian, who was devastated. 

Steve! (Martin): a documentary in 2 Pieces

This is an exceptional doco about Steve Martin. The first showing his early stand up days and the second more into his film, television and music. Steve took his time to make it big, which makes him all the more special. He had his own thing happening as a stand up, and really broke a lot of ground for being different. This was a great doco with so much archival footage and so many other people talking about how great he is. Towards the end we get a little insight into his personal life which was fascinating. I have always been a big Steve Martin fan, and there was so much I had no idea about. This is really worth watching

My Life as a Rolling Stone

This was a great 4 part doco, with each part coming from the perspective of each member of The Rolling Stones. Mick, Keith, Ronnie, and Charlie. All of them - bar Charlie - were interviewed for their section, and there was a lot of old footage used. What was great about this, was it had a lot of interesting bits I had not seen or heard about before. It has great humour and honesty, delves into their relationships with each other and was really really great. I laughed a lot watching this, they are a bunch of fun and funny guys.

MASH: The Comedy that changed TV

This is an older doco about MASH. It had interviews with all the key players and loads of clips. One of my favourite shows, it still holds up and the cast are phenomenal. A nice trip down memory lane

Geddy Lee Asks: Are Bass Players Human Too?

Geddy Lee is the Bassist from Rush and this short series is a delight. Geddy interviews Les Claypool, Robert Trujillo, Melissa Auf Der Maur, and Krist Noveselic about being Bass Players in bands. Funny, and edgy, and loads of great music. I loved this series so much and hope there is another series.

What I've Been Listening To

The Rest is Entertainment Podcast

This is a great podcast I have recently discovered and it is relatively new. Richard Osman (the producer and author) and Marina Hyde (writer and journalist) have a great relationship and it shows in this podcast. They discuss everything pop culture and entertainment. And between them, there is not much they do not know. Loads of fun!

Talking Pictures with Ben Mankiewicz

Ben Mankiewicz is the grandson of Herman and the great-nephew of Joseph, both big Hollywood players in the classic movie era. In this podcast Ben interviews directors about their films and films they love. It is wonderful, and very insightful! He interviews Mel Brooks, Nancy Meyers, Alexander Payne, Bill Hader, Errol Morris, and many more.

McCartney: A life in lyrics S2

I love this podcast, it is based on the book of lyrics (and the stories behind the songs) he put together with Paul Muldoon. Each episode he explains the making of a song. Usually the less popular ones. It is great. Beatles, Wings, Solo. Muldoon is a great conversationalist, and a gentle soul. Paul tells stories I have not heard before. It is a must listen for all Beatles fans.

Out to lunch with Adrian Edmondson

This was a short podcast, with beloved Adrian Edmonson taking someone to lunch and their conversation over some yummy food (we hear about the food, don't listen while hungry!) is the podcast. He has taken Chrissie Hynde, Tony Visconti (this was my fave!), Nigel Planer, and Ian Rankin to name a few.

CHAT...eau Podcast

This is the Escape to the Chateau podcast. Now the show is over, Dick and Angel share what has been happening at the Chateau, and reminisce about the past decade getting the Chateau up and running. As always it can be a he said/she said, which is adorable and amusing. I love their take on the world, and their relationship. A great listen. 


I picked up their self-titled, debut album on vinyl recently. I have a signed copy on CD, but hadn't listened to it in a long time. It really holds up and every track is wonderful. Sounds of Them is an instant classic. but my faves are the upbeat Ambulance Men and House of Cards.

The Raw and the Cooked by Fine Young Cannibals

Another album I have not listened to in forever, this is one I brough way back in the day, and it also holds up beautifully. What a voice, great songs.

Led Zep II/IV

Been listening to my ole faves, readying for the Led Zep tribute we are going to in June.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


How exciting to have to National Treasure that is Dawn French come to Newcastle for her stage show, Dawn French is a Huge Twat. 

I have loved Dawn from way back with the Comic Strip, The Young Ones, and French and Saunders. Then absolutely fell in love with her as The Vicar of Dibley. I also loved her two more recent series, Delicious and The Trouble with Maggie Cole. 

She is a wonderful comedian and a great actress, but also just a charming, and beautiful person. She always seems to be her authentic self and this tour was a perfect example of that. The tour was stories from her life, the weird and strange, and occasionally bad things she has show we are all human.

And she did not disappoint.

We had decent seats about halfway back at my beloved Civic Theatre. It was also a 6pm start, which was quite lovely. The theatre was packed and there was a lot of love in the room.

She told stories in rough chronological order with a large screen for images or videos to showcase the story. What a life she has had, people she has worked with and things she has done. 

And she was bloody funny, which goes without saying, but really, she was really funny!

She looked amazing and just held the entire theatre in the palm of her hands. Stories about her starting out in television and film, and silly things that happened due to her being so young and green. 

Some were short and silly, some were long and involved and hilarious. The story of her and Lenny Henry dressing up as Michael Jackson and his chimp, Bubbles for Elton John's 60th birthday bash, was just batshit crazy but oh so funny. 

The story of her replicating her infamous disappear in a puddle of water skits from The Vicar of Dibley on morning television...against her better judgement, was funny but horribly real, spoiler...she hurt herself quite badly.

We loved her story about auditioning for Mama Mia the film, and not really being able to sing and then sending herself up with French and Saunders is a perfect example of her keeping it real.

There were stories we had heard before and many we had not, especially her being part of an opera, which was most divinely funny. My goodness, the photo of her decked out for the Opera was sensationally stunning. 

The ending of the show was also quite amazing, but that would be too much of a spoiler.

I was lucky enough to purchase the second last signed copy of her book, and left the theatre feeling like I had been given a long warm hug from a dear old friend.

Thursday, April 18, 2024


Newcastle Writers Festival is my favourite weekend of the year.

As a Bibliophile, word nerd, and a Librarian, this is my Mecca. 

The program had some tough choices this year, with sometimes 4 or 5 sessions on simultaneously I wanted to see but of course could not without cloning myself.

So choices were made, and they were all bloody magnificent.

As always, one of the very best things about the festival is who you run into! Close friends, colleagues, and friends I have not seen for a while. Those moments are truly amazing.

Opening night, Friday 5 April

Newsmaker: an evening with Leigh Sales in conversation with Indira Naidoo

As always, the erudite raconteur, Dan Cox was the MC, keeping the night flowing beautifully. Speeches were made, including an always rousing one by Rosemarie Milsom, founding director. What a legend, without her vision and the hard work of her team, there would be no NWF.

The main act was a great conversation with Leigh Sales about her new book, she was in conversation with the equally impressive Indira Naidoo and they were the perfect pair. The stories ranged from the sad to the funny, tips and techniques for interviewing and listening, and such an intimate and lovely conversation that you often felt like you were privy to friends talking. It was such a delight.

Leigh is very funny and intelligent, so is Indira, but she has a lovely warmth to her that I had forgotten, having not seen or heard her in recent years. I always loved her on Club Buggery. 

It was a night well worth heading out in that awful weather. Stormy, windy and heavy rain didn't stop a huge group of us enjoying opening night. After all, we haven't missed one since the beginning of the festival over a decade ago.

Saturday 6 April

Andrew has not done a full day of the festival, only the odd session here and there and this year we collaborated on our Saturday attendance. As a high school teacher he teaches History, Geography, Business, Legal Studies, and Society and Culture, so a lot of our choices were informed by Society and Culture.

We had a very full day with 6 sessions from 10am to 9pm, he loved every minute of it and came home as tired but thrilled as I do. To have a partner that shares in the things I love, because he loves them too, is absolutely wonderful.

We split our first session, and he headed to see David Marr, who he fanboyed over and came out of very excited. David spoke about his new book, Killing for Country, the subject matter is very traumatic, but the book itself sounds quite amazing. As only David Marr could be. It is about finding out his ancestors were part of the brutal frontier police. Andrew asked a question, (an actual question!) and got a lovely 10 minute answer. Well done!

Book of Life: Deborah Conway in Conversation

I commenced with one of my musical heroes, Deborah Conway. I purchased her book last year but it has been sitting on one of my many piles of To Read at Club Cathy. I love her voice, her ideas, her feminism, and her outspokenness. I have met her once a few years back and to be honest I was terrified. I needn't have been, but she is formidable.

She has been in the hotseat politically and culturally of late. If the reporting is correct, some of her comments about the Israel/Palestine conflict have been very unfortunate. So I was a little unsure about heading to this session. It was meant to be in the large hall at the conservatorium but had been moved to a much smaller room in the New University building. We arrived to a police presence and I was very anxious about the whole thing. I didn't want to end up on the news.

I needn't have worried, the whole session was handled beautifully. Deborah spoke beautifully about her book, a memoir of her life in music. It sounds terrific and I cannot wait to read it. She told us tales of writing songs, exploring music, performing, and how she navigated the music industry and being a parent to three teenage daughters. Her husband, Willy Zygier was with her in the audience, listening intently and lovingly. They performed a few songs.

In this intimate room, it was actually quite amazing, and very intimate. There was love in the room, which I think eased things significantly. After I headed to get my book signed. She looked exhausted, but was up for a chat. She signed my book and I admitted I hadn't yet read it. She was like I understand, my to read pile is quite large. I then asked her what she had been reading, and she had been getting into WWII history, and enjoying a biography of Winston Churchill.

Things we Don't Speak About: Class

This was a really interesting session. Jessie Stephens and Peter Polites discussed using class in their fiction. The session was hosted by Beejay Silcox, who really lifted the session with her own highly relevant input and humour. I was given a copy of Peter's first book a few years back and haven't had a chance to read it and I should. Whilst everyone was interesting, he engaged me the most. He spoke about coming from a Greek immigrant background and how that adds whole other levels of class.  

The In-between: Christo Tsiolkas in Conversation

This was my favourite session on Saturday. Whilst I have not read all of CT's books, the ones I have read I have always enjoyed or appreciated. I don't think anyone enjoyed The Slap, lol. Christos was in conversation with the great David Marr. They obviously know each other and had a great rapport. This took the session up a few levels. Christos spoke about his new book, writing, being gay, and many other things. I always find him a much gentler soul than his voice in words on paper. 

What I loved the most was two older gay men having a great conversation about life and being able to chat about their lives openly and freely with love in front of an adoring and appreciative audience. And I don't think that was lost on them. I could have sat there all day listening to them. It was just wonderful.

The Long Haul

The long haul was about long Covid. It had Rosemarie Milsom in conversation with Tracey Spicer and Dr Steven Faux. It was really interesting and quite frankly, really frightening. Tracey has long covid and her descriptions of her symptoms (everyone has different symptoms) which sounded quite awful. 

Dr Faux is amazing, his background was in rehabilitation for chronic diseases. Once Covid hit, he got a quite a few referrals from GPs and specialists who were unsure what was going on. It took a fair bit of research to have their initial diagnosis of long covid to be taken seriously and they are still trying to educate a lot of the medical profession and the general public on the disease.

Tracey spoke about being gaslit by her doctor who said she was depressed. There were a lot of people in the audience who were going through (or knew people who were going through) similar experiences. 

I don't know anyone with this, but it terrifies me. The whole Covid thing always has and I do not think very highly of anyone who is dismissive of it, it shows a serious lack of intelligence and empathy.

Welcome to Sex: Yumi Stynes and Dr Melissa Kang in Conversation

This was one of my favourite sessions of the day. Firstly, Dr Melissa Kang is Dolly Doctor. Boom!! I found out she was DD some years back, and I was thrilled and my mind blown. She is the most elegant, intelligent, and remarkable woman. Listening to her speak is some kind of mystical, magnetic experience. She has us all in the palm of her hands. Secondly, I love Yumi Stynes and her fierce passion. They were in conversation with Maeve Marsden, who was a tremendous host. 

They talked about sex and consent and their books, and it was wonderful. Serious and funny, informative and intelligent. They have a wonderful relationship, Melissa and Yumi, a seemingly odd couple but when you hear them talk, that is so far from the truth. We laughed a lot and were humbled by their knowledge and humanity. 

There was one awful moment, when the topic of Yumi being targeted, because people are dicks, she broke down. It was so upsetting to watch, the vitriol she suffered, the death threats, the threats to her children, it was absolutely infuriating. I felt so much for her, when all she was doing was being honest about sex in the most respectful way.

A Bloody Good Idea: Bryan Brown in Conversation

Bryan Brown is the real case you hadn't worked it out, lol!
He arrived on stage to great fanfare. He was exactly as you would imagine and had so many wonderful Australian tales to tell. You couldn't help but smile and feel in awe to be in his presence. 

He spoke about his writing process, that is pretty much he nails it in his first draft, which is a little annoying lol. He had some great ideas, and was writing them down, more for screenplay ideas as he does a lot of producing. Someone convinced him to turn them into short stories and he was published. Now he has written his first novel which sounds pretty good.

Mostly he just told us stories from his life in film. He said he does not think of himself as a writer or an author but a storyteller, and that he is. I particularly loved his story from Gorillas in the Mist, the first time he went up the mountain and how powerful and terrifying the gorillas were. I am sure one day there will be a brilliant memoir from him. It was the perfect way to end a very long and rewarding day.

Sunday 7 April

Only a few sessions today, and I was solo as Andrew had headed back to Sydney.

Lies My Mirror Told Me: Wendy Harmer in Conversation

This was a wonderful session, I could listen to Wendy talk all day. Her early life was quite tragic and she walks that lovely fine line between drama and comedy with it all. I always loved her, since the early Big Gig days. What a phenomenal women, leading all those wonderful comedians. She had the audience in awe with her tales, laughter and brilliance.

After I lined up to get my copy of her book signed. She was generous with her time and we chatted about The Big Gig and she said it was a wonderful experience but there would be no way something like that would be made again, which is spot on but sad. She doodled in my book as we spoke. I felt like I had unlocked meeting another one of my heroes, and it was a great feeling.

Boy Conquers Universe: Bharat Nalluri in Conversation

This was a phenomenal session, easily the best for Sunday and possibly the entire weekend. I was really lucky to get a ticket as it sold quickly. Rosemarie hosted Bharat and told the story of how she booked him for the session. She was about to hit send on the program when she got contacted by a friend asking if she has Bharat on the program. Rosemarie had never heard of him but found out he was seminal in getting Boy Swallows Universe on the screen for Netflix. She was interested but thought it too late but found out he lived in Newcastle!

Wait? What!?

So Bharat is an Indian born director/producer who has worked in the US and the UK. He married an Australian foreign correspondent, Kylie Morris, whilst in the UK and they came back to Australia for a short stay then Covid happened and they haven't left.    


Bharat has worked on Life on Mars, Torchwood, and Spooks amongst other shows and the movie, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. But he recently steered Trent Dalton's Boy Swallows Universe to huge success for Netflix. He spoke about meeting Trent and taking on one of Australia's favourite books and making into a mini series. There was a script already written when he came on board and he asked for it to be rewritten and it didn't have the heart of the book. He spent a lot of time with Trent in Brisbane, scouting locations and looking at photos of Trent's life so he could accurately showcase the book. 

Australia and the UK work on the same TV model, where a main director takes on the first couple of episodes and then employs other directors to finish the series while he oversees the production. He directed the first 2 episodes, but was involved with every aspect of the show, including the script, casting, production, music and so forth. He spoke about it with so much confidence and detail you could see why the series was so wonderful. 

He also confirmed what we already knew, that Trent Dalton is the nicest man in Australia. He also spoke at length about the casting (and looking after) of the 2 young boys cast as Eli and Gus. He spoke about getting series right like Boy Swallows Universe as Lightning in a Bottle, but hearing him talk, I was not so sure. He spoke with so much knowledge, care, and understanding, It couldn't have been anything but perfect.

Best Wishes: Richard Glover in Conversation

I do love Richard Glover, and this was a great way to end the weekend. Richard told tales from his life and new book. Hosted by the wonderful Dan Cox, Richard was like a great stand-up comic sharing his greatest hits. Once he gets going, you are on that ride with him and it is glorious. His upbringing was nothing short of horrific, but yet he is always sunny and uplifting. What a remarkable human being.

And so I headed home very weary, but my heart and soul and creative juices were flowing. And this is why it remains my favourite weekend of the year, I can live off that brilliance and creativity for a long time.

Finally, late Saturday, when we had a bit of a longer break, Andrew and i went all the way to the top of the Nu Space building to check out the stunning views over Newcastle. If you get the chance, you must do the same.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

OSCAR WATCH 23/24 - how it went!

It always seem to take forever to arrive, but comes and goes so quickly!

Oscars 23/24 was not too bad.

Jimmy Kimmel has grown on me, he is a solid host. Not spectacular, like Billy Crystal, but what you see is what you get and he keeps things moving, and that is sufficient.

First off the bat, I noticed an acknowledgement of country prior to the ceremony, which I have never noticed before let alone anywhere in the US. So that made me smile, a perfect move.

So the 96th Academy Awards, I cannot wait for year 100, now that is going to be spectacular. 

And as a film buff, especially a classic film buff, I love to see old Hollywood and nods to those that came before. Of course, there are not many classic film stars left, but there are moments to be had. And this year had some.

Jimmy mentioned it was 48 years since both Jodie Foster and Robert De Niro were nominated for Taxi Driver and here they were nominated again! Of course, he added an awkward joke about age, but what are the Oscars if tropes are not rolled out...sigh.

Bringing out those that work behind the scenes was a masterful move, very classy.

And having Messi the dog from Anatomy of a Fall sitting in the audience was just wonderful.

The presentations I loved the most were the acting ones, where they had 5 previous winners talk about each nominee, They did this once before and people said it took too long. My response then and now, is really? If that is your commentary why are you even watching? This is exactly why you watch the Academy Awards. Bizarre.

So this year it was wonderful to see a range of superb actors and actresses welcome the newest member into the club. I found it moving and wonderful. But then, this is exactly what I want when I watch this show!

There were other memorable moments in terms of presentation. Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling exchanging barbs over their respective movies and the whole Barbenheimer rivalry. Very funny.

Danny De Vito and Arnold Schwarzenegger giving Michael Keaton some grief about how badly Batman treated their villains (Now Keaton wasn't AS's Batman, but that is a-ok), also funny.

And Kate McKinnon and American Ferrara talking about Dinosaurs, Jeff Goldblum, and Steven Spielberg, incredibly funny. Jon Cena's naked joke and John Mahoney's Field of Dream monologue were both good.

The songs this year were mostly great.

I really enjoyed seeing Barry Corbin (from Killers of the Flower Moon and Northern Exposure) in the song from that movie. The whole performance was powerful.

Billie Eilish and Fineas were all class delivering what would be the winning Best Song. I love that song so much, it was just great to see, as was their winning speech. 2 Oscars in 3 years at such a young age. Brilliant.

But the moment of the evening, was Ryan Gosling performing I'm Just Ken.


I didn't think he would even do this, so it was unexpected and even better than what I would have thought had I expected it.

Ryan's Kenergy was legendary in the lead up and after the movie, he just got into it and had fun. I love that. And his performance was next level Kenergy. Where is his recording contract, he can bloody sing (and dance). He was a Disney child but still. The presentation was perfection including some Marilyn Monroe (Madonna) AND Busby Berkeley choreography which was equal parts inspired and hilarious! Add in some work with the audience, showing the whole thing was live (they usually are) and some guitar genius from Slash. This goes into my top 10 Oscar moments! 

Other moments of note were Paul Giamatti escorting Da'Vine Joy Randolph right up the stairs to the stage when she won, and shedding a visible tear in a cutaway after her speech. What a classy guy!

Sean Ono Lennon up on the Oscar stage with the directors of the Best Short, Animated WAR IS OVER! and giving 91 year old Yoko a shout out. Tears of course!

Now to the winners, and how I went.

Each year there are some categories I am emotionally attached to and I either let my emotions push my choices (usually a mistake) or like this year I ignore my emotions and just choose what I think the Academy will chose, and this year the Academy loved Poor Things as much as I did, which I didn't think they would!

So the 4 awards for Poor Things, including Emma Stone for Best Actress were bloody amazing and well deserved and exactly what I hoped would win, but not what I choose to win...sigh. I lost in Sound and Animated Film too.

So 6 incorrect BUT 17 correct, which is not bad. I have done much better, but I have also done much worse.

I loved all the acting and big speeches, it was a great year for film. 

And now the fashion:

Best Dressed


The Rest
