Monday, August 31, 2009

Barenaked Ladies

I think these dudes are Canadian and I am pretty sure they did the theme song to Spin City - Fabulous sitcom created by Bill Lawrence (also created Scrubs!) with Michael J Fox (Alex P. Keaton - my overachieving hero), Michael Boatman (China Beach), Bary Bostwick (Brad to Susan Sarandan's Dammit Janet in Rocky Horror) and Alan Ruck (Cameron in Ferris Bueller's Day off). So mad cast, mad show! Anyway, I do not mind their stuff, but really love this one...

Man - that is a LOT of of my must do's is to try and memorise the entire song - not there yet. It just jumps straight into the lyrics, and off you go on a crazy ride. The tune and rhythms are great and catchy, and really clever how they match the words. Favourite lines are:
"I have a tendancy to wear my mind on sleeve" - for obvious reasons!
"Bert Kaempferts got the mad hits" - well he did, but to reference Bert in a song is way mad!
And this section - great, nutty words...
"Watchin' X-Files with no lights on, were dans la maison, I hope the Smoking Man's in this one. Like Harrison Ford I'm getting Frantic, Like Sting I'm getting tantric. Like Snickers, guaranteed to satisfy, Like Kurosawa I make mad films."
How good is that?

And for the record I could never watch The X-Files with no lights on, in fact I taped it and watched it at the weekend in the middle of the day with lots of sunlight and hoped it was not the last thing I recalled as I was dozing off to sleep that night!!!

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